• Testing Your Soil Drainage Is Easier Than You Think

    If you are like most gardeners, you've probably read a lot of plant descriptions and noticed that almost all plants need loose, well-drained soil. You may be wondering exactly how you determine if your soil is well-drained. You may have even assumed that if you water your plants and water runs through the bottom of the pot quickly that it means the soil is well drained and you have nothing to worry about.
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  • 3 Things To Expect When You Move Abroad

    Not everyone gets the opportunity to move abroad, so it's understandable you might jump at the chance to do so. Moving to a new country, either temporarily or permanently, is a great way to learn more about the world and explore other cultures. But the whole process, from packing up your old home and moving your things, to finding a home and getting acclimated in your new surroundings, can come as a bit of a shock to the system.
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