
  • Make Your Own Headboard From A Door And Mantel Shelf In 7 Easy Steps

    If you are tired of your headboard, then make your own. It's an easy project that anyone can do, and you will have a beautiful piece of custom piece of furniture in your bedroom when finished. Here is what you need and how you can do it: Materials and tools needed Door – hollow core doors are inexpensive, and they can be easily cut to the appropriate length. Choose one that has a width of at least 30 inches.
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  • Testing Your Soil Drainage Is Easier Than You Think

    If you are like most gardeners, you've probably read a lot of plant descriptions and noticed that almost all plants need loose, well-drained soil. You may be wondering exactly how you determine if your soil is well-drained. You may have even assumed that if you water your plants and water runs through the bottom of the pot quickly that it means the soil is well drained and you have nothing to worry about.
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  • 3 Things To Expect When You Move Abroad

    Not everyone gets the opportunity to move abroad, so it's understandable you might jump at the chance to do so. Moving to a new country, either temporarily or permanently, is a great way to learn more about the world and explore other cultures. But the whole process, from packing up your old home and moving your things, to finding a home and getting acclimated in your new surroundings, can come as a bit of a shock to the system.
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  • What The Walking Dead Can Teach You About Keeping Pigeons Away From Your Food Court

    Last month, one New York City food cart experienced a sudden death when a photo depicting a couple of hungry pigeons feasting on meat circulated around the Internet. It was a gruesome image, indeed, and one that prompted the food cart's entire customer base to seek out a new lunch spot. How could the death of this food cart have been prevented? How could they have stopped the hordes of pigeons that lurk the streets of NYC from breaching their confines and gorging themselves on the daily lunch special?
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